NURSERY08:30 am – 04:30 pm
JUNIOR KG. 08:30 am – 04:30 pm
SENIOR KG. 08:30 am – 04:30 pm
STANDARD I – VIII08:30 am – 04:30 pm


ACCOUNTS OFFICE Monday to Saturday (For Parents only) 10:00 am – 04:00 pm


PRINCIPAL Monday to Saturday Dr. B. EBENEZAR 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

School Motto

Together We Achieve
Skills – Values – Knowledge –Magnanimity

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
(NMIMS Campus)
Plot No. B 4, Green Industrial Park,
Polepally SEZ, TSIIC, Jadcherla,
Mahbubnagar Dist., Telangana – 509301

Help Desk: 92470 23509

Mob: 7738937733

Admission Information
92470 23509

Transport Information
92470 23509


SVKM School is established and managed by Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal. The education imparted, aims at promoting an all-round development of the child’s personality in an ambience of Indian culture. The trust is focused on “Holistic Education and Development of the Child.”

The school is an unaided institution and prepares students for the Secondary School Examination and Senior School Certificate Examination conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.


  1. Any enquiry regarding the academic achievement, behaviour of the child or any other matter may be addressed to the Class Teacher/Subject Teacher on the following days:
Std.Days Time
NURSERYFriday12:30 pm – 01:30 pm
Jr. KG. Friday 12:30 pm – 01:30 pm
Sr. KG. Friday12:30 pm – 01:30 pm
I – VIII4th Saturday 09:30 pm – 12:30 pm

Parents can meet the teachers on any other day with prior appointment.

  • All correspondence should be carried out through the school office regarding the child. Parents should mention the student’s name, the standard and the division in which the student is studying in all the correspondence.
  • Parent’s signature in the diary would indicate that the rules and remarks entered by the school authorities have been noted.
  • Parents and guardians are reminded that without their help and co-operation, not much improvement can be expected from the efforts made to mould the child’s character by the school. They are therefore, earnestly requested to encourage regularity and discipline and see that their children do their homework and attend school in proper uniform with all books required for the day’s work.
  • Parents are specially requested to notify the school of any change in their address, telephone number or mobile number.


  1. No school leaving certificate will be issued without a written application from the parents/guardian. The school leaving certificate will be issued only after all dues are paid and the library books are returned.


School uniform is compulsory for all the students (Nursery to Std. V) and must be worn daily. It is mandatory for all the students to wear and display the identity card issued by the school.

ClassUniform for Boys Uniform for Girls
Nursery to Sr. KG Stripped black and white shorts and a red shirt Stripped black and white top and a red pinafore
I to VIII Stripped black and white shorts and a red shirtStripped black and white skirt with box pleats and a red shirt
Winter Wear / HoodiesBlue Hoodie Blue Hoodie
Nursery to Sr. KG Blue Hoodie Blue Hoodie
I to VIIIBlack Hoodie Black Hoodie
  1. All students are required to wear white socks and black shoes. No other form of footwear will be acceptable.
  2. During the rainy season from July to September, students have to wear black crocs as footwear.
  3. Girl’s hair must be plaited or tied back using a black hair band or black rubber band if it reaches the shoulders. No fancy hair clips are permitted.
  4. Boy’s hair must be short and neatly cut.
  5. Both boys and girls must at all times maintain manicured nails.
  6. Students are not permitted to wear any kind of jewelry while in school.
  7. Applying mehndi on hands, painting of nails and tattoos is not permitted.
  8. School Hoodies (sweaters), which will be available from the school only, are compulsory during the winter season.


Nursery/Jr.KG / Sr.KG Daily Observations and Continuous Evaluations (written and oral) with no Examinations.
Std. I and II Continuous Evaluations (Both written and oral) with no Examinations.
Std. III to VIII Periodic Assessment: TERM-1 (100 marks) (1st half of the session) 20 marks Periodic Assessment 80 marks for Term I Examination TERM-2 (100 marks) (2nd half of the session) 20 marks Periodic Assessment 80 marks for Term II Examination


  1. Punctuality is essential at all-times and students who contravene this rule without a valid reason will be penalised. Students who come late to school are liable to be sent home.
  2. Story books or periodicals from outside should not be brought to school unless approved by the class teacher/subject teacher. Mobiles or other gadgets are not allowed in the school.
  3. The school does not accept the responsibility for the loss of student’s books, pens, money etc. Each student is responsible for his/her own belongings.
  4. Silence must be observed in the school during class hours and also while leaving the school.
  5. Chewing of gum or mouth fresheners is prohibited on the school premises. Carrying snacks or other eatables in the school bus is strictly prohibited.
  6. No collection of money should be made without the sanction of the Principal.
  7. The Principal reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student if his/her behaviour or progress is unsatisfactory. Students should realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school, but also for their general behaviour outside.
  8. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of school on the part of the student would make them liable for disciplinary action.
  9. The entry of parents into the school premises will not be permitted without the parents’ entry pass.
  10. Severe action will be taken by the school authorities if any damage is done to the school property by any student. The student will be suspended or dismissed due to his/her misbehaviour and will have to undo the damage done.
  11. Every student shall endeavour to keep up the good name of the school by his/ her manners and deportment.
  12. If any of the above rules are not adhered to, the student will have to bear the consequences.

The Almighty was aware of all the hurdles His children will be confronting on His mortal land and for this the divine benevolent soul created some structures of his blessings and left them on the same land. Gemstones are the divine favour of the supreme souls emerged with the paradisiacal glow along with the potent energies of deities reflecting on human beings for defending them and the betterment of their lives. We at SVKM School have therefore chosen to name the houses based upon the gemstones.

Name of HouseColour which Represents
Name of HouseColour which Represents
Name of HouseColour which Represents
Emerald Green
Name of HouseColour which Represents
Name of HouseColour which Represents

Red Symbolizes             : Action, Confidence and Courage

Green Symbolizes         : Life, Nature and Well-being

Blue Symbolizes            : Spirituality, Truth and Peace

Yellow Symbolizes        : Wisdom, Joy and Intellectual Energy


As per the CBSE Education Code, Article 60:

  1. The Following acts and conduct on the part of the students will amount to misconduct:
  2. Misbehaviours towards teachers or any other employees of the school.
  3. Intentional disturbance of classes.
  4. Absence from classes without the permission of the Teacher / Vice- Principal / Principal
  5. Bullying/ Intimidation of others.
  6. Eve-teasing/ Misbehaviour towards girl students.
  7. Damaging/ Disfiguring school property.
  8. Propagating a strike/ disruption of classes.
  9. Association with banned organizations.
  10. Propagating communal cast feeling amongst the students.
  11. Indulging in physical violence in any manner.
  12. Disobeying lawful orders of the teachers Vice- Principal / Principal.
  13. Bringing unauthorized people / articles inside the school.
  14. Theft/ pilferage of school/ student’s property.
  15. Any behaviour unbecoming of a student.
  16. Indulging in acts of moral turpitude.
  • In above acts of misconducts, Principal shall take suitable action as per observations of the disciplinary committee depending on the gravity of the misconduct, which may include:
  • Oral/written warning to the students and parents.
  • Suspension from attending classes/school for a specific period.
  • Recovery of loss to school property.
  • Issue of Leaving Certificate.
  • Expulsion from school.

The School Management Committee can change the above rules and regulations any time without informing the parents.